12 Practical Self-Care Tips For Divorced Mums

Practical Self-Care Tips, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent, singlemothersurvivalguide.com, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms

Divorce can be one of the most stressful experiences in life. And when you’re a mum, the challenges multiply as you navigate parenting on your own. Prioritising self-care is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity for maintaining your emotional well-being and being the best parent you can be. Here are 12 practical self-care tips to help you manage stress and thrive in this new chapter.

Embrace Growth and Knowledge

1. Educate Yourself About Stress Management

Understanding the impact of stress on your mind and body is the first step towards effective self-care. To help you, there are many resources available. For example, books, online courses, workshops and support groups can all provide you with valuable insights and techniques for managing stress.

2. Set Realistic Goals

Growth often comes from setting and achieving small, manageable goals. First, identify areas in your life where you can make positive changes. Next, set realistic goals to help you move forward in these areas. This could be anything from improving your physical health to developing new hobbies or skills.

Practical Self-Care Tips, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent, singlemothersurvivalguide.com, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms

Build a Supportive Community

3. Lean on Your Support Network

Don’t hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or support groups when you need help. When you surround yourself with a community that understands and supports you, it can provide immense comfort and strength during difficult times.

4. Join a Support Group

Connecting with other divorced mums who are going through similar experiences can also be incredibly validating and reassuring. Support groups, like Thrive Tribe (my global online membership experience for single mums), offer a safe space to share your feelings, receive advice, and find encouragement.

Practical Self-Care Tips, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent, singlemothersurvivalguide.com, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms

Prioritise Self-Care with Determination

5. Schedule “Me Time”

Make a conscious effort to carve out time for yourself each day. Even if it’s just for a few minutes. Use this time to engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it’s reading a book, taking a bath, or going for a walk.

6. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools for reducing stress and enhancing emotional well-being. Spend a few minutes each day practising deep breathing exercises, meditation, or mindful journaling. These help to centre yourself and cultivate inner peace.

Practical Self-Care Tips, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent, singlemothersurvivalguide.com, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms

Accountability and Consistency

7. Keep a Self-Care Journal

Tracking your self-care activities and how they make you feel can help you stay accountable. It also helps you to recognise the positive impact they have on your well-being. Furthermore, consistently reflecting on your self-care journey can highlight areas where you might need to make adjustments.

8. Create a Self-Care Routine

Establishing a consistent self-care routine ensures that you prioritise your well-being regularly. This routine could include a morning ritual of stretching and gratitude journaling or an evening routine of reading and relaxation.

Practical Self-Care Tips, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent, singlemothersurvivalguide.com, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms

Inject Fun and Kindness into Your Life

9. Engage in Activities You Enjoy

Don’t forget to have fun! Pursue hobbies and activities that make you happy and provide a sense of fulfilment. Whether it’s painting, dancing, gardening, or playing a musical instrument, find what brings you joy and make time for it.

10. Be Kind to Yourself

Divorce can often bring about feelings of guilt or self-doubt. Practice self-compassion by treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a close friend. Acknowledge your efforts and celebrate your strengths.

Practical Self-Care Tips, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent, singlemothersurvivalguide.com, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms

Cultivate Hope and Empowerment

11. Focus on Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations can help shift your mindset and build resilience. They also help you to remind yourself of your strengths, capabilities, and the hopeful future ahead. Simple affirmations like “I am strong,” “I am capable,” and “I am deserving of happiness” can make a significant difference.

12. Seek Professional Help if Needed

If you’re struggling to manage stress and emotions on your own, consider seeking the help of a therapist, counsellor, or divorce coach (like me!). Professional support can provide you with personalised strategies and tools to navigate this challenging time and empower you to move forward confidently.

Practical Self-Care Tips, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent, singlemothersurvivalguide.com, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms

Managing stress as a divorced mum requires growth, determination, and a supportive community. By prioritising self-care and incorporating these practical tips into your daily routine, you can maintain your emotional well-being. You will also be better equipped to handle parenting challenges. Remember, self-care is not selfish – it’s an essential part of being the best version of yourself. For both you and your children!


Thrive Tribe – the global membership experience for single mothers – will be opening again very soon! Join the waitlist here.

PLUS You can book one-on-one coaching with Julia Hasche from wherever you are in the world!

  • Do you need clarity on whether you should leave your partner or not?
  • Have you just parted ways with your partner, and feeling lost?
  • Have you been single for a little while now and need assistance with getting your life back on track and feeling empowered?

Click HERE to read about coaching and to hear from some others who have gone through coaching programs with Julia, and book in here for your 30-minute complimentary Clarity Call.  

The purpose of the Clarity Call is:

  1. For me to get to know you and understand an overview of your current situation and where you are at.
  2. For us to establish what you need assistance with to move forward.
  3. To see if we are both comfortable working together.

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