Making the most out of the new Child Care Subsidy with Goodstart.

single mum, single mom, single parent, single mother survival guide, child care subsidy, Goodstart, making the most out of the new Child Care Subsidy with Goodstart

Making the most out of the new Child Care Subsidy with Goodstart.

This article is sponsored by Goodstart, Australia’s largest early learning provider, and a not–for–profit social enterprise.

As a mum, the thought of putting our precious children into child care often brings about feelings of guilt, unease, and fear of the unknown.

We feel guilty because if we were still with our partners, perhaps our children wouldn’t have to go to child care.

But as a single mum, often there is no choice. We need to put our children into child care so that we can work. Someone has to earn the money.Continue Reading →

Tinder Surprise – Part 6

single parent dating, single mum, single mom, single parent, tinder, tinder surprise part 6, single mother, single mother survival guide,, online dating, tinder surprise

Tinder Surprise – Part 6

I started this Tinder Surprise Blog Post Series In January 2017.  It was the year I had decided to prioritize dating more. Funnily enough, I did meet a great guy that year, only it didn’t turn out too well.

The rest of the year was a bit hit and miss.

I decided that 2018 just wasn’t going to be my dating year, but perhaps I would start to prioritize it more in the middle of the year. But things didn’t quite turn out that way…Continue Reading →

Four ways to embrace Mother’s Day as a single mum.

mothers day as a single mum, mothers day as a single mom, single mum, solo mum, solo mom, single mom, mothers day, single mother, single mother survival guide, Mother's Day as a single mum, Mother's Day as a single mom

Four ways to embrace Mother’s Day as a single mum.

Dreading Mother’s Day? I hear you. This is going to be my fifth Mother’s Day as a single mum, and my sixth as a mum. My first Mother’s Day was the worst. Don’t I sound tragic? My relationship with my daughter’s dad was on the rocks (in fact, we split up about a week later). I had been looking forward to the day; hoping to get some kind words from my partner about how I was the best mum in the universe, and our daughter was so lucky to have me. Yeah right….Continue Reading →

Fifteen Lessons Learned from Single Mum Camping

single mum camping, solo parent camping, single mom camping, camping as a single mum, camping as a single mom

Fifteen Lessons Learned from Single Mum Camping.

In the school holidays, I took my daughter on a two-night camping holiday. To me, that’s a bit of an oxymoron, so let’s call it a camping trip. Or a camping adventure. Some might go so far as to say a camping challenge.

Look, I’m going to be upfront with you. Single-mum camping wasn’t easy. But I speak for myself. You might be a really outdoorsy type, and you might read this and think, these things are obvious. So this article is really aimed at the single mum who is a bit like me.Continue Reading →

Five ways to attract more positive energy to your life

Five ways to attract more positive energy to your life, positive energy, single mum, single mom, single mother, single mother survival guide

Five ways to attract more positive energy to your life.

Sometimes as a single mum, especially a newly single mum, it can be difficult to feel positive. For me, this happened a lot. Especially around 18 months in of being a single mum. I had an almost two-year-old, who was very challenging. My ex was sending me abusive text messages every week. His family was being very mean to me as well. On top of that, I was trying to juggle work and single mum life.Continue Reading →