
Ten tips on how to break the news of your separation to your kids

how to break the news of your separation to your kids, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent,, telling kids about separation, kids and divorce

Telling your kids that you are separating is probably one of the hardest things you will ever have to do. The news of parental separation can be difficult for your kids to accept and it will take time to adjust to the change.

For your child, this can be a period of grief and confusion, and they could be scared of the unknown and wondering what’s going to happen to them and to their lives. Your child might be angry, sad, and confused.

Here are ten tips on how to break the news of your separation to your kids and how you can support your kids to help them cope with the news.Continue Reading →

Top ten tips to look after yourself as a new mum

single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent,, tips to look after yourself as a new mum

This article is sponsored by Belly Bands

I remember feeling so incredibly happy when my daughter was born. Being a new mum was incredibly overwhelming and my relationship with my partner was suffering, but I was in this beautiful love bubble with my new baby, and I’d never felt happier.

My pregnancy had been an emotional roller coaster with my partner and I breaking up, getting back together, breaking up, getting back together, and I felt like a wreck. I was also living 3,000 km away from my family and friends, and I felt incredibly alone. In fact, if it hadn’t been for one particular work colleague, who is still a very special friend to me today, I’m not sure how I would have got through it.Continue Reading →

Co-parenting agreements: step by step

single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent,, co-parenting, co-parenting agreement, Co-parenting agreements: step by step

Co-parenting agreements: step by step.

This article has been written by Steve Wright and provided by Chicago Family Rights. 

When going through divorce, there is a lot of paperwork to do, financial challenges to overcome and court cases to battle through. 

Among this, one of the critical decisions you will be making is how both you and your ex-spouse will collectively raise your children.Continue Reading →